Quick link to my Yes2Life fund page - phase 2!


Monday 12 September 2011

15,000GBP REACHED!!! OMG!!!! (update)

Total flippin' A-MAY-ZING! Thank you all so much for your efforts spreading the word (i take my hat off to social media for the first time, 15,000 pounds in 5 days is just crazy!) & fr all your wonderful donations and messages. Truly touching and I have already been actioning some of the things I wanted to get done treatment wise. I have also ordered the home ozone/hyperthermia kit for the princely sum of 1400GBP (!!!) so I can now do that every day! INCREDIBLE! (throw that evil cancer AWAY!). I recently saw my oncologist with my latest scan which shows the lung tumours still steadily growing (progonisis 3 months to 5 years according to her!) so this money really is becoming more and more essential... chemo alone will not work. even she admitted that. so, here goes...


The first 3 weeks treatment bill of 6000+ GBP will soon be refunded back to my dear mother sometime very soon from the kind folks at the YesToLife offices using my funds raised (that YOU raised! wow!!!) so that's really just wonderful. Since my diagnosis had to pay for my original privately done scans, early holistic therapies and a private operation to reverse my colostomy (not a fun time, I am still suffering from the repercussions of somewhat) totalling well over 7000GBP plus all the other necessary foods and supplements I have needed thus far, so this rebate for her is a godsend! Thank you all!!! I also now have all the requisite items of equipment for my kitchen of health (thats health not death you ready-meal-lovers!!): masticating juicer, slow cooker, nut grinder, etc and all the organic vegetables (YUM YUM YUM) I can get down me (though I am only allowed the green ones really due to sugar content!). Another big cost the burden of which is now gone is for my daily vitamin c at 7 pounds per day (i take up to 7000mg of the wonderful immune boosting stuff!). I am now on about 40+ pills a day PLUS 40 or so B17 full apricot kernels, 'natures chemotherapy'... hoping this all helps! phew! 

Here's some more info about ozone & hyperbaric oxygen therapy (OR here), for your curiosity. I had been going to the MS Therapy centre in Canterbury for some time before starting the ozone at Vision of Hope. Both seems fantastic and there is no doubt at all that the MS Centre (mainly for MS sufferers of course) is an amazing charitable cause that deserves your support for the support and care it gives people with this debilitating disease... I am planning a 'Pamper Day' in Deal for charity sometime soon, and they will be one of the beneficiaries! There are also plans afoot to do some money-raising events around the world. If you can help please drop me a line!!! anything is a help!!!!more on that soon...


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