Quick link to my Yes2Life fund page - phase 2!


Wednesday 18 January 2012


Happy New Year! After a glorious month in Japan & 2 successful fundraising & inspiring events unfortunately my Year Of The Dragon started with rather disappointing news that my lung tumours are still growing, albeit only moderately quickly. So, another year of my anti-cancer challenge has begun, hopefully paired up with a whole lot of joy & creativity through some fundraising, learning and laugh-like-a-child fun. With your help. Unfortunately my fund is rapidly diminishing, I was informed by YesToLife that only 5000GBP remains & I have an important 2500GBP dental surgery to clean up chronic infections coming up next, yet another marker for my cancer and possibly the reason why my immune system seems unable to see my lung tumours, while being on the face of it very strong. I haven't been ill (except post-op or post-chemo of course) since before I was diagnosed & my allergies (caused by an unbalanced immune system) have all but disappeared. In fact this last few months I have been feeling fantastic, thanks in large part to you guys & girls and the money for the supplements, treatment and nutritious food I have been able to buy.

So, I have decided to combine raising money for some charities dear to me with hopefully continuing to add to my treatment fund pot. I would certainly like to continue the vitamin c & I have some other ideas to try too. Chemotherapy is still on hold for sure. I have decided to treat myself not the scan. Let's hope it works! So, this year I HAVE SET MYSELF THE CHALLENGE OF RUNNING 100KM OVER THE YEAR IN RACES on road or trail, which I hope to manage via a couple of 5k's, several 10k runs, a 15k or 2 and hopefully a half marathon towards the end of the year. I am thinking marathon next year maybe even (!!!), inspired by a fellow cancer survivor who did it last year just after getting her Stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis. What a trooper!

My first race will be February 19th in Kent so feel free to come and support if you are in the UK and can spare the time. My goal is to raise 10,000GBP or more over the year, so that means 100 people sponsoring me 1GBP per km. This money will go towards my treatment fund but also to some other wonderful causes close to my heart. The first is the Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre in Canterbury, currently trying to raise a million pounds to build a smart new centre for patients all over Kent to receive Hyperbaric Oxygen (also useful for cancer patients - I have tried it!) providing not only relief of the debilitating symptoms of this horrible disease but also giving those who cant work and who are often in a wheelchair somewhere they feel a real sense of community. I will also be donating a portion of the money raised to Willow Foundation who helped me have a wonderful weekend in the Lake District last year and who provide dream trips & days out for seriously ill young people. The final part will be donated to an orphanage in Japan, working with kids who lost their parents in the tsunami of 2011.

Please email your name, email address & pledge (e.g 1GBP per km) to: dave@mymtokyo.com - I will be collecting the pledged amounts according to completed distance in July and November.

Dave Twomey . dave@mymtokyo.com . 1GBP
Stella Twomey . xxx@stellatwmey.com . 0.5GBP

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