Then I hear that my half nephew Louis has raised over 600 pounds for my fund... LEGEND! Great work Louis... am so honoured! Then just this week I received the payment of funds raised from a club event held in my honour at Module in Tokyo.
Over 1600GBP the total raised!!! so, we finally made the 20,000 pounds mark & far exceeded it now... that is one serious achievement...
THANK YOU SO MUCH Josh, Conoley, Craig, Bob, JZ, and all other supporting djs, performers and punters who came to support me!! A massive & well needed boost as I have used over 14,000GBP so far for my treatment since August. Almost as much of an achievement as raising it ... crikey... where has it all gone??? Mostly inside my cells I guess .. they must be very happy (I know I am!!!). Let's hope the scan in December will give us something to really smile about... I dont expect much at this stage but some small indications at least that the lung tumours are starting to disappear would be nice...
ONCE AGAIN this is one seriously Happy Dave!
I WILL beat this thing...
* * *
The kind words Josh wrote about me for this event follow. As my Dad & I agreed, the things we do we certainly dont for recognition - as Mother Theresa once said: 'The miracle isnt that we do these things but that we LOVE to do them!' - BUT it sure is nice!!! ...
''Dave Twomey has been an important part of the electronic music scene in Japan. His passion, love for music, support and dedication have helped to fuel the scene with positivity. As Dave has given so much to us, it is time for us to give back to him. "Say Yes to Life" is a benefit event, to be held at module on 11/19, which will support Dave and his fight to live. Not only will all proceeds be donated to Dave, we hope all of you will come with friends and dance the night away sending positive energy to Dave. Please join us for a special night of music and friends in support of Dave Twomey.''
''日本のエレクトロニックミュージックシーンで精力的に活動してきたDave Twomey。11月19日moduleにて開催される"Say Yes to Life"は音楽に対する情熱と愛情をシーンにそそぎ込んできたDaveへの恩返しのイベントとして、闘病中の彼を応援するために、全ての収益を寄付します。Dave Twomeyのために、大勢の仲間が集う一夜に、是非ご参加ください。''
Much love from the Key & Star of the Indian Ocean,
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