Quick link to my Yes2Life fund page - phase 2!


Sunday 30 October 2011

Update: Toxic s*@t!

I am ok ... phew. Tired this morning though. Struggling with sleep and digestion these last few months. I think I have had slept through the night about 4 times in the last 2 or 3 months. Lucky I dont go to work (though I do volunteer sometimes at the local Age Concern Centre)! Am still busy with my daily ozone/hyperthermia sessions (seems to be getting hotter and hotter!!!) combined with half an hour of comedy to distract me from the heat. Laughing is key my doc at the clinic says so if anyone has any files on their hard sics they wana burn to disc for me would be much appreciated. My address is 4 chater court, walmer, kent, ct147xr UK. Also keeping up on my supplements, visits to Brighton (thanks for accompanying me the last time Anne-Marie!), running, yoga, tai chi, chi gung, etc as well as categorically ignoring the advice of a supposed healer in brighton at a dojo in Brighton who said exercise at home on own was a 'waste of time'. I told him where to go trust me... just goes to show not every doctor/healer is good for you - you also have to know when to say NO!!! Negative energy AAAOOOUT!!!

Got back from my September trip a week ago: home to Bristol for Penny Brohm cancer care course & to see my old friend Jonny

(with friend Jonny from Uni - weather was amazing!)
then Devon for my old uni friend Rob's Royal Marine wedding then to the ashram for a week incuding a course on the Mandukya Upanishad (heavy but fascinating stuff) finally dropping down south via the Brecon beacons & then Stonehenge to Brighton for more vitamin C...phew!

Good to be back on terra firma proper (though the ground is not far away from my badass (ironic) car-cum-stapler (thanks Jonny!). hell of a lot of miles covered with all my gear in the back but a very positive trip (I almost wrote 'tour' - force of habit!). Got into some pretty esoteric stuff at the ashram ('reality is a circle whose centre is everywhere & circumference is nowwhere' - nice!), as well as a mini drama ('there is NO fish at the ashram'! honest mistake but o, foolish me) and some very positive yoga and chanting (reminds me of singing hymns at school except the words are so much more profound, oh and I actually enjoy it now!) and of course some so-called selfless work. I cook every day now at home (sometimes twice or thrice a day) so was fun to help out in the ashram kitchen putting together my indian spice mix's etc. Always a pleasure to be in Rama the gardener's place of work too admiring the rainbow chard 'forest' amongst others! A greens-addict paradise in the polytunnels at this time of year to perfectly compliment the moss paradise it is inside & around the surrounding area of the ashram. From my day down by the river... (more on Facebook)

Other news, am still having an awful lot of trouble with my digestion ... keep smoking people. You might get colon cancer then you can have a botched op which then leads to your having to go to the toilet over 10 times a day for god knows how long! 6 months plus after my colostomy reversal but still ... uuugh... so tired of this shit (sorry to be so literal).

Recommendation from thehighly recommended Peter Hinde. See how we go with these...
Pretty interesting reading. They say discovering this stuff pretty much wiped out counytwide Dysentary from the UK.


Also going to get myself some reiki next week and try some gut focused hypnotherapy. Apparently IBS is so common in the US here is quite a body of research andf work on this...
I will try (almost) anything (i might not tell you about it though!!!).

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti...
(The Hum of the Universe Peace Peace Peace) - apologies if this is crap translation

ps. keep donating please people. Funds running out slowly but surely... well over 10,000GBP spent already

So far:
3 x 6 days vitamin c etc intensive approx. 6500GBP
Pure & alkalised waterfilter 400GBP
Nutrition & supplements including nutritionist appoinments well over 2500GBP so far
Ozone/hyperthermia equipment 1500GBP
Regular Brighton visits for vitamin C approx. 1500GBP
Yoga/chi gung/tai chi classes 150GBP
Acupuncture 300GBP+
Ashram stay & course 300GBP
... the list goes on. Thank you all so much!!!!

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